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Pathway:Setup > System > Role; Division; User

Table of Contents

This article provides an overview the four key elements related to user security: User, Roles, Divisions and Permissions. User security (high level notesis critical to the operations of any business and should be maintained on a regular basis. Companies should consider a user security process for the following reasons: (these need to be edited for wording/grammar):

  • Restricts users to only have access to the tools they need to perform the duties of their job

  • Prevents users from accessing areas they haven’t been trained on yet

  • Protects a company from outside threats - such as disgruntled employees

    • deactivate accounts of past employees

  • User security is a proven preventative measure in minimizing the risk of costly mistakes and data breaches

All Navusoft modules and tools are guarded by permissions, or user rights, that prevent unauthorized users access to restricted areas.

Understand Users

Setup > System > User


Notes: This is not the “How to add/edit users” this should tie together users and their roles in a division

When a person is added, they are added as a user. Depending on the user’s role their user account grants them permissions (user rights to….)to

Related Articles: Add User

Understand Permissions

Setup > System > Permission


Permissions are user rights that users need to access system tools to perform the duties of their job or role.

Understand Roles

Setup > System > Roles



Does the person’s title (when they’re added into Navusoft) drive the role recommendations that display in the User tool?

If assigned a new permission, should the user log out and back in to see it?

Is a notification triggered when tool rights have been added to their account?

  • What triggers notifications? - this is a question for a communication document

Roles are the roles or job title an individual at a company may have. Roles may loosely or strictly define the functions and duties a person has and a person may have many roles.

Related Articles: Roles and Divisions

Understand Divisions

Setup > System > Division



Divisions are the different operating locations a company has. Most often, an employee is employed by one division. Users in Navusoft

Related Articles: Roles and Divisions

Recommended Best Practices


  • Log off or lock your workstation whenever you leave it unattended, even for short breaks

  • Don’t share your password with anyone
