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Pathway: Accounts > Accounts Request Management

The Account Request Management tool displays customer initiated Account Requests for all accounts. When the tool opens, all open requests display. Use the filtering options located along the top of the screen to limit what displays.




Created On

The date the Request was received.

Created By

The person who made the request.


The Request type or action needed to take next. -Indicates the reason for the request.


  • Open - When the The Request has not yet been handled by anyone . Use an active verb to start the sentence. Also consider that there may be other reasons a request is left in an open status such as it’s being actively workedor is actively being worked on and is not yet complete.

  • Hold - When the The Request is put on hold to be handled later . Use an active verb to start the sentence. Also consider other reasons a status may be put on hold. All you should be doing for these is giving example(s) for why one status is used over the otheror needs more time before this can be handled.

  • Completed - When the The Request has been handled and once you change the status to Completed, it will no longer show on this page. Use an active verb to start the sentence. Technically, it does still show on the page, but you have to use a filter to see it. For this I challenge you to play around with the tool to identify how a completed task can still be displayed.

Assigned To

Who this Request is going to be handled by.


The person to contact for any further information about this Request.

Reason Code

Identifies the request for internal purposes. (reason codes are created in setup system reason code)


Any notes that have been added to this the Request that will assist in handling this Request . Replace “this” with “the” - in both instances. Who added the note? Dispatch? Drivers? Customer? Start description with action verbeither by the person assigned to this or the person who submitted the request.

Completion Note

Any Added notes that need to be added to the completion of this Request . Start description with action verb. You need to tell the readers why this is relevant and why they should fill this out. Example: Enter a Completion Note to record the steps taken to resolve the requestlike specific notes about a location site or route needed.

Linked Items

Still required to complete this document