Versions Compared


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Select the user account drop down to log out, edit your screen display and account information, or to reference the system version your account is operating on.





Logs you out of the Navusoft system.


Changes the location settings for all displays.

Refresh Reference Data

Refreshes the (user’s) system’s data without having to log out and back in.

System Font

Changes the font in your Navusoft account. Options include: Frutiger Light, Frutiger Medium and Roboto.


Fonts are auto-saved and applied immediately to the user’s account once selected. This only changes the font to the individual’s user account and not all users.

User Profile

Allows for the editing of the following user information:

  • Contact information (phone only)

  • Upload a profile image that displays with your name in Navu Chat

  • Change your Default Homepage

  • Upload a signature image

Join Screen Share Session / Generate Screen Share Code

Option to share your screen with other users. This does not include an audio connection.

Share your screen:

  1. Select Generate Screen Share Code.

  2. Share code with other user(s).

Join a screen share session:

  1. Select Join Screen Share Session.

  2. Enter the session code you received from the host when prompted.

Screen share will only share screens within the Navusoft application. Navigating to anything outside of Navusoft is not shared.

About Navusoft

Displays the build version your system is operating on.


Notification icons display horizontally along the top of the screen. A red bubble displays with the icon to indicate attention is needed.


Image RemovedNotification indicates documentation is available and a total count of documentation the user has not reviewed. Image RemovedImage RemovedImage RemovedImage RemovedImage RemovedImage Removed



Bubble Notification

Navu Requests

Select the Navu Requests icon to create new ticket requests, track and communicate on existing tickets and view a history of archived tickets.

There are two types of users for the Navu Requests tool: General Users and Navu Request Administrators.

  • General users can create ticket requests but can only submit them to their internal Navu Request Administrator for review and final submission to Navusoft.

    • This level of users can only see the tickets they have created.

  • Navu Request Administrators can create tickets, review general users ticket requests and submit ticket requests to Navusoft.

    • This level of users can see all ticket requests from all users.

Further information and how to use the Navu Requests tool can be found here: Navu Requests

Image Removed

Navu Request Administrators

  • Displays a total count of open tickets for all users.

General Users

  • Displays a total count of open tickets for the individual user.

Unread Documentation

Select the Unread Documentation icon to access the Navusoft Knowledge Base and Release Notes.

All documentation reflects the most recent version of the Navusoft system.

Icons Displayed on Left

Customer Request

Select the Customer Request icon to view recent customer request activity such as a request for additional pickup or call back.


A Customer Requests list also displays in the Customer Requests column of the Home (module) screen.

Image Added

Displays total count of all customer requests assigned to the user.


Select the Tasks icon to review tasks you have created or another user has assigned to you.

When a task is marked as complete the user who created the task will receive a popup notification with the information of who completed the task and the date and time.


Select ‘Snooze’ and the notification will be redirected to Snoozed Alerts for future viewing. Otherwise, select the 'X' in the upper right corner to close the notification.

Image Modified
Image Added

Notification displays a total count of the logged in user’s open tasks.


Select the Appointments icon to view current and upcoming appointments.

Image Added

Notification displays the number of appointments a user has scheduled.


Select the Cancellations icon to view customers who are cancelling their accounts.

Image Added

Notification displays the total count of customer cancellations.

Snoozed Alerts

Select the Snoozed Alerts icon to view any pop-up alerts that were previously snoozed.

Image Modified
Image Added

Notification displays the total count of alerts that have been snoozed.

Recent Activity

Select the Recent Activity icon to view a time stamped history of your user account. This includes customer accounts you have viewed, tasks you have completed, and anything else you have done while logged into your account.

Select the activity, such as the account name to access the location again.

Image Added

Does not display a notification.

Icons Displayed on Right

Navu Projects

Navu Requests

Select the Navu Requests icon to create new ticket requests, track and communicate on existing tickets and view a history of archived tickets.

There are two types of users for the Navu Requests tool: General Users and Navu Request Administrators.

  • General users can create ticket requests but can only submit them to their internal Navu Request Administrator for review and final submission to Navusoft.

    • This level of users can only see the tickets they have created.

  • Navu Request Administrators can create tickets, review general users ticket requests and submit ticket requests to Navusoft.

    • This level of users can see all ticket requests from all users.

Further information and how to use the Navu Requests tool can be found here: Navu Requests

Navu Request Administrators

  • Displays a total count of open tickets for all users.

General Users

  • Displays a total count of open tickets for the individual user.

Unread Documentation

Select the Unread Documentation icon to access the Navusoft Knowledge Base and Release Notes.

All documentation reflects the most recent version of the Navusoft system.

Notification indicates documentation is available and a total count of documentation the user has not reviewed.

Context Help

Select the Context Help icon to view documentation related to the page you are viewing.


Documentation is currently being built out for each of the modules and is an ongoing process.

Image Removed

Does not display a notification.
