Setup SalesWarrior App on XCode to compile and deliver on an iPad
Setup SalesWarrior App on XCode
A. Download XCode, AWS S3, and the source code:
- Download and Install XCode version 5.0 or higher (
- Download and Unzip Amazon S3 SDK for iOS (
Open XCode and click on "Check out an existing project"
- Enter in a repository location: , and click Next.
- (You will be prompted for username and password on first try. Your bitbucket username is shift2right, and password is your original 2013 password)
- Enter in a directory where the workspace will be created on the machine and click Next. Wait for the source code to be downloaded from BitBucket.
B. Fix/Re-link AWS S3 SDK library to locally downloaded library:
- Click on WasteManagementCRM on the top left (in blue), then click on Build Phases tab.
- Open up "Link Binary With Libraries" section.
- Select AWSS3.framework, and click on the - (minus) sign to remove it.
- Click on the + (plus) sign to add in the AWSS3.framework from the unzipped directory for the S3 SDK for iOS.
C. Compile and run the app locally on Simulator:
- On top left Title bar, click on WasteManagementCRM (next to pencil and ruler icon), and select WasteManagementCRM_PROD, and select iOS Simulator - iPad.
- Click on the triangle right arrow on the top left to run on the Simulator.
D. Compile and run through a device:
- TODO: (Carlos to verify if the device needs to be set on Development mode on iTunes?)
- On top left Title bar, click on WasteManagementCRM (next to pencil and ruler icon), and select WasteManagementCRM_PROD, and select iOS Device.
- Click on the triangle right arrow on the top left to run on the device.
TODO: (Carlos to verify the information below)
Deploying to the iPad through a USB cable may not require a developer certificate or provisioning profile.
A developer certificate and provisioning profile is needed when deploying to a device remotely through TestFlight or hosted elsewhere.
E. Setup Developer Certificate and Provisioning Profile (Carlos TODO - in case needed)