Operations - Route Management Renumber Tool (13987)[Enhancement]
Operations - Route Management Renumber Tool (13987)[Enhancement]
A new Re-Number tab has been added to the Route Management tool in Operations. This tool is used for the purpose of re-numbering a route’s sequence and can be used for multiple routes at a time.
To use the tool:
Select each route sequence re-numbering should be applied to.
Allows for multiple selections.
Select the Day(s) of Week for the route(s) you would like re-sequenced.
Allows for multiple selections.
Enter a Sequence Gap.
Example: Enter a value of 5 and stops will be sequenced as 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and etc for each route.
Pathway: Operations > Route Management > Re-number (Tab)
, multiple selections available,
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