Route Management

Pathway: Operations > Route Management

The Route Management tool is used to assign routes to pending service locations and modify routes for current locations.

The Pending tab MUST be reviewed on a daily basis to find and assign pending locations to a route.

Route Management


Before creating a route, an account and active service must exist first. The following articles are available to review.

Field Descriptions

Pending/Current Tabs





IMPORTANT: This must be reviewed daily.

Filter Selections

Select Division

The division where an account’s service locations are assigned.

Select Service Region

The region the service location is located in.

Select LOB

The Line of Business service locations are categorized.

Day of Week

Select to view one, or multiple days of the week to see requested services.


Loads all pending service locations waiting to be assigned a route based on the filter selections that were made.

Service Location Details


Displays the name and ID of the service location.


Displays the address for the service location.


Displays the quantity of equipment requested. Equipment type is referenced under the Service Code column for the location.

Service Code

Indicates the type of waste the equipment holds.


Indicates the pickup frequency requested and preferred days of the week.

Start Date

The requested start date for service.

New Route

Displays a drop-list of routes to select and assign to a pending service location.


If the route will be sequenced, enter the sequence number here.

Use the Current (tab) to view/modify sequences for all locations on a route.

Week of Month

For customers who are monthly or on a bi-weekly schedule, select the week of the month the location will be serviced.



Posts the pending service location to a route.





Filter Selections

Select Division

The division where an account’s service locations are assigned.

Select Service Region

The region the service location is located in.

Select LOB

The Line of Business service locations are categorized.


Select to view only the service schedules for the selected routes.

Day of Week

Select to view only the service schedules for a specific day of the week.

Interactive Features


Select Load to view current service schedules based on the filter selections made.


Option to edit service schedules for single or multiple locations.

Select the check box for the location(s) you would like to edit and select Edit.


Displays an interactive map of the selected locations.

Select the check box for each location you would like included in the map.

Excel (Icon)

Exports the information on the Current tab to an Excel spreadsheet.

Service Location Details


Displays the location of the service.


Displays the quantity of equipment requested. Equipment type is referenced under the Service Code column for the location.

Service Code

Indicates the type of waste the equipment holds.

Freq/Next SVC

Displays the location’s frequency of pickup and the date of the next service.


Displays the route the location is assigned to.


Displays the sequence the location is on the route.


Displays the day of the week the location is scheduled to receive services.

New Route

Interactive field used to assign a new route to a location.

New Seq

Interactive field used to change the location’s sequence on the route.

New Start Date

Interactive field used to change the start date of service.

Example: If the locations is being added to a new route, enter the start date here.

New Week

Displays the new A/B week for a location.

Add a Route

Pathway: Operations > Route Management > Pending (tab)

To add a route to a service, the following process is used:

Filter pending services to only view the areas you oversee.

  1. Select your assigned Division.

  2. Select the Service Region.

  3. Select the LOB (Line of Business services fall under).

  4. Select the Day(s) of the Week to filter on.

  5. Select Load.

  1. Click on a service location from the list of pending locations.

  2. Using the interactive features of the map, identify the best route to place the service location on. The pending location displays as a red pin on the map.

    • Review the Interactive Map Features and Details section below for more information.

  3. Assign a route to the service location by clicking within the New Route column for the location.

  4. If sequencing is used, enter a numeric value in the Sequence field.

    • This can also be done in the Current tab where all locations are visible for reference.

  5. Select Post to add the service location to the selected route. The location will no longer display in Pending.

  6. Select the next service location from the pending list and continue the same process until all pending locations have been assigned to a route.


Use the features of the map to determine the best route to add a service location to.

  • Apply a week day filter to match the service location’s requested pickup day.

    • Switch between the days of the week to view service locations of each route.

  • Select the location pin of other service locations to display their servicing details.

    • Refer to the color Legend for route identification.


Modify a Route

Pathway: Operations > Route Management > Current (tab)

The Current tab displays a listing of active service locations that have been assigned to a route. Using the Current tab, users can quickly make route modifications to one or multiple locations at a time.