Site Level Notes

Site Level Notes

Pathway: Customer > Search - Account

Site Level notes display ONLY on the site they were added to.

Warning on Open

Add a ‘Warning On Open’ note to a site to alert users of a site specific issue or process. Warnings entered here will display each time the site is accessed.

If the account also includes a ‘Warning On Open’ note, the site’s warning will display below it.

Site Level Warning On Open


  1. Navigate to the account site using any of the available search methods.

  2. Right-click under the service location’s address (right side of the Customer Service screen) and select Edit for the ‘Edit Service Location’ editor to display.

  3. Enter the warning note into the Warning On Open text box field.

  4. Select Save when finished.

To remove a warning note that no longer applies, follow steps 1-3 outlined above and delete the text from the Warning On Open field. Select Save when done.

Access Information

Enter an Access Information note to communicate information the driver will need to access a service location.

  1. Right-click under the service location’s address (right side of the Customer Service screen).

  2. Select Edit from the pop-up to display the ‘Edit Service Location’ editor.

  3. Select the Basic Settings tab.

  4. Enter the access information into the Access Information field.

  5. Select Save when finished.

Access Information will display for the driver and also on the account below the service location’s address.

Service Notes

Service Notes provide a way to communicate necessary information about the service for a location to the driver. Notes entered here are also visible on the Customer Service screen by expanding the service and are controlled using start and end dates.


When adding a new service, a Service Notes field is provided and defaults to the start date of the the service. If an end date is required, the following applies:

  1. Save the new Active Service with the Service Notes entered. The Add Active Service window will close and the Customer Service screen displays.

  2. Expand the service from under the Active Services section.

  3. Select the green ‘…' icon from the service line and the 'Service Additional Fields’ editor will display.

  4. Enter a date into the End Date field.

  5. Select Save.

  1. Navigate to the account’s service location using your preferred search method.

  2. Select the green ‘…' icon from the service line and the 'Service Additional Fields’ editor will display.

  3. Select the green '+' icon in the Service Notes heading.

  4. Enter a Start Date. Leave the End Date field null or blank and the note will continue to display until deleted, or an added end date has passed.

  5. Select Save when finished.

One-Time Note (Site)

Enter a one-time note at the site level and the note will only display on the selected day in the calendar for the chosen site.


  1. Navigate to the desired service location of an account using your preferred search method.

  2. Right-click on the date in the calendar the note applies and select Add Note. The ‘Add Note’ pop-up will display to add a note.

  3. Verify the date in the Created On field is the date you intended for the note to display. Select the calendar icon to edit the date if needed.

  4. Select the Note Type. Site specific notes only use ‘Site’ designated Note Types.

    • Note Types are established and can be referenced in Setup > Customer > Note Type.

      • Note Types differentiate what notes can be added at the account-level (displays across all sites), or at site-level, only displaying for a specific site.

  5. Enter the body of the note in the Note field.

  6. Select Save when finished. The note will display on the ‘Created On’ date in the calendar.

Work Order Notes

Add a note to a work order when the driver needs to be alerted of a one-time change for a locations servicing. Hover over the work order from the customer service screen and an informational pop-up displays with the added note at the bottom.


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