Account Level Notes

Pathway: Customer > Search - Account

Account Level notes will display for all sites linked to the account.

Warning on Open

Displays as a pop-up warning anytime the account is accessed. Warnings entered here will display when any of the site locations linked to the account are accessed.

Warning On Open
  1. Navigate to the account using your preferred search method.

  2. Right-click under the account’s address (left side of the Customer Service screen).

  3. Select Edit and the ‘Edit Account’ editor will display.

  4. Enter a warning note into the Warning On Open text box field.

  5. Select Save when finished.

To remove a warning note that no longer applies, follow steps 1-3 outlined above and delete the text from the Warning On Open field. Select Save when done.

One Time Note

Enter a one-time note at the account level and the note will display on the selected day in the calendar for each site.

  1. Navigate to the account using your preferred search method.

  2. Right-click on the date in the calendar the note applies and select Add Note. The ‘Edit Note’ pop-up will display to add a note.

  3. Verify the date in the Created On field is the date you intend for the note to display on. Use the calendar icon to edit the date if needed.

  4. Select the Note Type . Account-level notes must use a designated ‘Account’ Note Type.

    • Note Types are established and are available to reference in Setup > Customer > Note Type.

      • Note Types are created for either account-level (displays across all sites), or site-level (displays for a specific site) use.

  5. Enter the body of the note in the Note field.

  6. Select Save when finished. The note will display on the calendar for the date indicated in the Created On field.

To remove a note:

  1. Select the note from the calendar.

  2. Select Delete and the note will be deleted from the account and all sites.


Setup > Customer > Note Type

Note Types determine the level (account or site) one-time notes can be added. Users might find it helpful to refer to the Note Type Setup tool before creating a one-time note.

Site vs Account

  • Site

    • One-time notes that include a ‘Site’ designated Note Type will only display for the site the note was added.

  • Account

    • One-time notes that include an ‘Account’ designated Note Type will display across all sites for the account.