

Pathway: Operations > Dispatch

The billing process uses tools and features available within the Dispatch tool. This process works one day behind the current day to post charges for services complete.

Review and Post Work Orders

Review Work Orders

Review and Post Work Orders

Operations > Dispatch

Review and Post Work Orders

Operations > Dispatch

Review the Services List Editor

Review the Services List editor from the Billing view to identify the Posting Status of each Work Order.


Filtering Options

Enter dates into the From and To date fields. If this is for a single day, enter the same date into both fields.


Select a Division to filter results on.

Select the Line of Business.

Select Load.

Select Work Order Posting from the drop down immediately below the From and To fields to view what has not been posted.

Posting Completed Services

1. Select the numeric value from the Scheduled column for a route to display the Services List.


2. Select Billing from the drop down field to change the view of the Services List editor.

3. Double-click on the work order to display the Services Record editor.

  • Review the Details tab for any driver notes which may alert of additional charges

  • Review the Changes tab and confirm the weight was taken.

4. Select Posted from the Posting Status drop down (in either the Details or Charges tabs) if nothing further is needed.

If the weight is not taken the work order cannot be posted.

Posting Exceptions

  1. Select the numeric value from the Exceptions column for a route to display the Services List.


2. Select Billing from the drop down field to change the view of the Services List editor.

3. Double-click on the work order to display the Services Record editor.

  • Review the Details tab for any driver notes


4. Select the Charges tab. Apply any additional charges incurred (if necessary). To apply a charge:

  • Select the green plus icon

  • Search and select the applicable charge

  • Enter a quantity value in the Gross Qty field. Entries here will update the Charge Qty field

    • NOTE: If there is a value in Work Order Minimum, no additional charges apply


5. Select ‘Posted’ from the Posting Status if no other follow up is needed.

Quickly navigate to an account from the Services List to reference account details such as charge rates for Active Services.

Navigate from Services List to Account:

  1. Select the name of the Location from the Services List (underlined indicates this is a hyperlink).

    • Review all necessary account information.

Return to Services List from Account:

  1. Return to the Services List from the Account screen by selecting the Back icon that displays above the account’s left panel toolbar.

Work Orders Unable to Post

In the event a work order cannot be posted, a task should be created.

A task can be created in two ways:

Option 1:

  1. Select the Plus icon from the customer’s account.

  2. Select Task from the list of options that display and the Add Task editor displays.

    • Select Awaiting Pricing in the Type field.

    • Select who the task should be Assigned To.

    • Select High for the Priority.

    • Enter a Due Date that is a few days out.

    • Add a Note.

    • Select Save.


Option 2:

  1. Select the hyperlink for the account from the Services List editor.

  2. Right-click on the calendar day the task is due and select Add Task.

  3. Select Awaiting Pricing in the Type field.

  4. Select who the task should be Assigned To.

  5. Select High for the Priority.

  6. Enter a Due Date that is a few days out.

  7. Add a Note.

  8. Select Save.

After a task has been saved it will post within the Pending section of the customer’s Account.


Anytime there is a work order discrepancy, a task should be created and assigned to the Operations Manager for the division. Create a task using either of the options previously mentioned above.

Discrepancy Task Requirements:

  • Select Work Discrepancy from the Type drop down list.

  • Select the Operations Manager for the division from the Assigned To drop down list.

  • Enter a Note detailing what the discrepancy is.

    • It is recommended best practice to add any additional followup communications by selecting the green plus icon.











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