Add a New Account (Active)

Pathway: Customer > Add Account

Before adding a new account, consider searching for the account to verify one hasn’t already been created. Otherwise, upon selecting ‘Create Account’ the system will check for duplicates.

In the Add Account editor, accounts can be added either as an Active account or a Prospect account. This illustrates the process of creating an Active account for new customers. Review each section and minimally complete all required fields highlighted in red.

Add Account


Account Identification Field Entry

Account Identification Field Entry

  1. Select Active from the Status drop down.

  2. Select the Source of how the account was acquired.

  3. Select the Account Division.

  4. Select the Site Division.

  5. Select the Account Class.

Address Field Entry

Address Field Entry

Service Address Fields

  1. Enter a Name for the account.

  2. Enter the address for the service location in Address Line 1.

  3. Enter a phone number for the location.

  4. If a website is provided you may enter that in the Website field.

  5. Enter the PO# if there is one for that site.

  6. Enter the EPA# from the contract. Only applies to hazardous waste.

  7. Select Signature Required if the driver must always get a signature.

Billing Address Fields

  1. If the billing address is the same as the service address, leave the Same as Service Address checked. Otherwise, uncheck and continue to step 2

  2. Enter the Name the billing should be addressed to.

  3. Enter who the mailing should be ATTN to.

  4. Enter the mailing address in Address Line 1.

    • Enter a phone number if different than the phone number for the service location.

Contact Information Field Entry

Contact Information Field Entry

  1. Enter Name of the billing contact.

  2. Enter the Title or role of the contact (optional).

  3. Enter the Contact Email. This is required if the account will be emailed invoices.

  4. Enter the Contact Phone number and Phone Type.

  5. Remove selection from Billing Contact only if this person IS NOT a billing contact.

Billing Information Field Entry

Billing Information Field Entry

  1. Select a Bill Group from the drop down list. Options populate based on the selected Account Division.

  2. Select from the Invoice By Email options. If ‘NO’ is selected all invoices will be mailed.

  3. Select a Term for when payments are due upon receipt of the invoice.

  4. Select a Surcharge Group if one applies.

  5. Select Auto Status Update if the account’s status should automatically update to inactive due to credit holds or inactivity of services.

  6. Select Apply Finance Charge if the account should be subject to late fees.

  7. Select Exclude From Past Due Notifications if you do not want to send a past due notification to this account/customer.

Sales/Region Information Field Entry

Sales/Region Information Field Entry

  1. Select the Sales Rep who is assigned to the account for future handlings.

  2. Select the Site Class if one applies.

  3. Select the Service Region.

  4. Select the Tax Region. If no region is selected the customer is considered tax exempt.

Create Account

Create Account

Upon selecting Create Account, the system will check for any duplicates. Review the list of returned results to verify no duplicate exists. If one does, select the existing account from what the search returned.

Select Clear to clear entries and selections from all fields to start over.