Add Photos and Attachments to Accounts

Pathway: Accounts > Search > Accounts

From the Accounts screen, use the attachments icon to add photos and attachments. Photos and attachments are linked to the parent account and can be viewed for all sites.

Paperclip Icon - Accounts Screen


Add Photo

  1. Select the Paperclip icon from the Accounts screen.

  2. Select the Photos tab.

  3. Select the green ‘+' icon from the upper left corner. The 'Add Photo’ popup window will display.

  4. Select Browse from the Add Photo popup.

  5. Search and select the photo you would like to upload to the account.

  6. Select Upload when finished.

Hover over ‘View’ for uploaded photos to get a quick view of the photo. Select ‘View’ to open the photo attachment.

Add Attachment


  1. Select the Paperclip icon from the Accounts screen.

  2. Select the Attachments tab.

  3. Select the green '+' icon from the upper left corner. An Add Attachment popup window will display.

  4. Select Browse from the Add Attachment popup.

  5. Search and select the attachment you would like to upload to the account.

  6. Select the Type of attachment. Optional.

  7. Enter a Description for the attachment. Optional.

  8. Select Display in Customer Portal and the customer will have access to the attachment in their portal account. Optional.

  9. Select where the attachment will display. Options include: Account or Site.