Notification History
Pathway: Database > Notification History
The Notification History tool contains a log of all SMS and Email notification types users have sent from the Navusoft system. Notifications do not immediately display upon first opening the tool. To view a history of notifications, make selections from the filtering options displayed along the top of the screen and then select Load.
Filter Type | Description |
Division | Apply a Division filter to only display notifications sent from the selected division. |
Date | Limits what displays to either the last 7 days, last 30 days, or a customizable time frame. |
Notification Template Type | Filter to a specific Notification Template. Examples include: Operations Notifications, Past Due Notifications and Credit Card Expiration notifications. |
Delivery Status | Filters to the delivery status of the message. Examples include: Sending, Sent, Delivered, Undelivered, Received, and etc. |
Sent By | Filters to only display notifications sent by the selected user. |
Type | Filters to display All, Email or SMS notifications. |
To Email | Enter an email in the ‘To Email’ field to limit the results to only display emails sent to the entered address. |