Rate Update Batches

Pathway: Sales > Rate Update Batch

The Rate Update Batches tool is used to mass update rates for sites by either a percentage or an entered value amount. This tool offers two options to create a batch: Site Service Batch or Site Service Charge Batch. Site Service Batch is used for sites receiving recurring services. Site Service Charge Batch is used for sites receiving one-time charges. After a batch has been created it will display on the Rate Update Batches screen. Color coding is used to identify batch status using the following colors:

  • Open = White

  • Green = Posted

  • Red = Voided


Filter Fields

Filter options are available and limit what displays on the screen.

Filter Types


Filter Types


Service Region

Limits the search by Service Region.


Filters to the types of batches previously created. Options include: Site Service Batch or Site Service Charge Batch.


Filters to Open, In Progress, Error, Posted or Voided batches.


Create a Site Service Batch

Site Service Batch is used to create a batch of sites receiving recurring services. After a batch is created, rates can be updated by either a percentage or an entered value amount.

  1. Click on the + icon in the upper left corner of the

  2. Select Site Service Batch to open tool.


Filter Fields : Site Service Rate Update Batch

Filter fields in the Site Service Rate Update Batch tool are used to locate and include only the sites matching the selected filter parameters in the batch.

Filter Type


Filter Type


Account Class

Filters to only include sites belonging to the selected Account Class.

Site Class

Filters to only include sites belonging to the selected Site Class.


Filters to only include sites belonging to the selected Division.

Bill Group

Filters to only include sites belonging to the selected Bill Group.

Service Region

Filters to only include sites belonging to the selected Service Region.

Line Of Business

Filters to only include sites belonging to the selected Line of Business.

Service Code

Filters to only include sites that have the selected Service Code applied.

Effective Date

Looks at the effective date of the Service Code to determine batch eligibility for a site.

Months At Current Rate

Looks at the length of time the service code has had the current rate to determine batch eligibility for a site.

Create a Site Service Charge Batch

Site Service Charge Batch is used to create a batch of sites receiving one time charges; this includes On Call orders and Manual Charges. After a batch is created, rates are updated by either a percentage or an entered value amount.

  1. Click on the + icon in the upper left corner.

  2. Select Site Service Charge Batch to open tool.


Filter Fields: Site Service Charge Rate Update

Filter fields in the Site Service Charge Rate Update Batch tool are used to locate and include only the sites matching the selected filter parameters in the batch.

Filter Fields


Filter Fields


Account Class

Filters to only include sites belonging to the selected Account Class.

Site Class

Filters to only include sites belonging to the selected Site Class.


Filters to only include sites belonging to the selected Division.

Bill Group

Filters to only include sites belonging to the selected Bill Group.

Service Region

Filters to only include sites belonging to the selected Service Region.

Line Of Business

Filters to only include sites belonging to the selected Line of Business.

Charge Code

Filters to only include sites that have the selected Charge Code applied.

Effective Date

Looks at the effective date of the Charge Code to determine batch eligibility for a site.

Months At Current Rate

Looks at the length of time the charge code has had the current rate to determine batch eligibility for a site.


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