Holiday Schedule Setup

Holiday Schedule Setup

Pathway: Setup > Operations > Holiday Schedule

Create and schedule holidays for current and future years using the Holiday Schedule tool. Scheduled holidays display across all customer calendars and the customer portal. This tool features two sections to organize and schedule recurring holidays. The top section is used to identify the holidays schedules will be created for. The bottom section (Holiday Schedule Items) is used to schedule the previously identified holidays using date fields.

Holiday Schedule - Setup

Add Holiday Schedule

The Add Holiday Schedule tool creates holiday labels for current and future holiday dates to be scheduled into.

Add a Holiday:

  1. Select the green ‘+' icon and 'Add Holiday Schedule Item’ pop up label maker will appear.

  2. Enter the Name of the holiday to the name field.

  3. Enter a Note (optional). Notes are internal and do not display on the Customer Calendar.

  4. Click Save when finished.

Add Holiday Schedule Item

In the Holiday Schedule Items section, schedule the previously identified holidays using From Date and To Date fields. Select a holiday from the section above to begin scheduling. Holidays can be scheduled for future years.

IMPORTANT: Content entered in the Name and Note fields here display on the calendar for all accounts and customer portals.

Schedule Holiday:

  1. Select the holiday from the top section you would like to create a holiday schedule for.

  2. Select the green ‘+' icon and the ‘Add Holiday Schedule Item’ popup editor will display.

  3. Enter a Name for the holiday. This displays on the Calendar for all accounts.

  4. Enter a From Date in MM/DD/YY format. This is the date the holiday begins.

  5. Enter a To Date in MM/DD/YY format. This is the date the holiday ends.

  6. Enter a Note (optional). This displays on the Calendar for all accounts by hovering over the holiday name.

  7. Click Save when finished.


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