Roles Setup

Pathway: Setup > System > Role

Roles are groupings of permissions a user needs to access and work within the Navusoft application. Navusoft provides a prebuilt list of roles that are ready and available to be assigned to user accounts. User roles defined by Navusoft can be removed, edited and customized to fit the individual needs of a company.

Role Setup

Field Descriptions

The following fields display on the Roles Setup screen:





Double-click within the row of the role to edit many of the displayed fields.

Role ID

The individual role’s ID.

Role Name

The name of the role.

Edit Service Past Days Limit


Invoice Adjustment Limit


Adjustment Approval Limit


Max Default Rate Discount


Documentation Topics

The total count of documentation articles available in the Knowledge Base.

Select the underlined numeric value to review and access available articles related to Role Setup.


The total count of authorized permissions contained in the role. Any user assigned to the role will receive all the permissions it includes.

Not Authorized

The total count of permissions not included in the role.


The total count of permissions that are new to the application and should be reviewed for each role.

Active User Count

The total count of user accounts that have an active account status AND are assigned to the role.

Documentation View Score

The measurement of documentation use among the users.

Select the percentage value displayed to review who has accessed the documentation.

Roles Tab-set

Select the role to view the Permissions and Users tab-set.

Roles Tab-set

Tab Descriptions













Filters to the permissions of a specific module. A role may include permissions from multiple modules.




Filters to permissions that are Authorized, Not Authorized or New and pending authorization for the role (this applies to recent releases of new tools).



Displays for authorized permissions. Selecting this icon will remove the permission from the role.



Displays for unauthorized permissions. Selecting this icon will add the permission to the role.



Displays for recently released permissions that are pending an authorization status by a system administrator. Select this icon and chose if the permission is authorized or not authorized.







Displays all active and inactive user accounts. Add or remove users to/from the role here.

  • To add a user to the role, select the green plus icon.

  • To remove a user from a role, select the red block icon.

Best practice tip: consider removing inactive user accounts from all Roles they are assigned to.



Create a New Role

To create a new Role, select the green plus icon in the upper right corner of Role Setup to display the Add Role editor.

  1. Enter a Role Name.

  2. Adjust the Edit Service Past Days Limit to fit the parameters of the role (Optional).

  3. Adjust the Invoice Adjustment Limit to fit the parameters of the role (Optional).

  4. Adjust the Adjustment Approval Limit to fit the parameters of the role (Optional).

  5. Adjust the Max Default Rate Discount to fit the parameters of the role (Optional).

  6. Enter a Role Description. Anything entered here will display when hovering the cursor over the name of the role.

  7. Click Save.

Delete a Role

If a role is no longer needed, the option to delete is available. When a role is deleted, the role and any permission in granted is removed from any user account it is linked to.

Before deleting a role, consider reviewing the Active User Count, Users and Permissions the role provided.

View Users of a Role

Quickly view users who have been assigned to a role by selecting anywhere within the row of a Role and then selecting the Users tab.

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