Navu Requests - Basic Fields and Functions

Navu Requests - Basic Fields and Functions

Pathway: Home Screen; Navu Requests Icon

The Navu Requests tool provides a way for users to communicate issues and requests to Navusoft. After a ticket request has been submitted the status of the ticket can be tracked in Navu Request. Users attached to the ticket will receive a popup notification anytime the status of the ticket has changed, or a note has been added.

Navu Requests

Field and Tab Descriptions





Green '+' Icon

Creates a new ticket request. Any user with access to Navu Request can create a ticket request.

Filters (User, Product, Module, Screen)

Filter options that limit what tickets will display.

Recent Activity

Displays a history of ticket activity including added notes, attachments and status changes. Adjust to only view activity within the last 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days or from a manually entered date range.

Submission Pending

Includes ticket requests submitted by general users waiting to be reviewed and submitted to Navusoft by a Navu Request Administrator.

A Navu Request Administrator is someone who has been given authorization (permission assigned to their user account) to submit tickets to Navusoft.

Our Response Pending

Includes tickets waiting on a response from the submitting party. Navusoft Support will place a ticket in a status of Our Response Pending when additional information is needed from the customer side. The ticket will not progress until a response has been received.

With Support Team

Includes tickets that have been submitted to Navusoft and are being reviewed by Navusoft Support.

With Development Team

Includes tickets that have been submitted to Navusoft and require work from the development team.

Installation Pending

Includes tickets where development work is complete and the updates are waiting to be released.


Contains an archive of closed tickets that can be searched and viewed.



Popup Notifications

Anytime a note is added, or the status of the ticket has changed, a pop-up notification displays for users attached to the ticket. Upon opening the ticket, notifications display on the Activity tab for status changes and added notes. Select the tab to view changes and notes added by another user or a Navusoft representative.

Navu Requests Notifications

A bubble displays above the Navu Requests icon indicating how many ticket requests are currently open. General users will only be able to see their open ticket count. Navu Request Administrators will see an open ticket count for all users combined.




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