Navu Requests - Close Ticket Requests

Navu Requests - Close Ticket Requests

Pathway: Home Screen; Navu Requests Icon

Ticket Requests can be closed by any user who is attached to it, or a Navu Request Administrator. Upon closing a ticket request, other users on the ticket will receive a notification of the status change. Closed tickets are archived in the History tab where they can be searched and reviewed at a later date. The process to close a ticket is the same for both general and administrative users.

Close Ticket Request - Navu Request Editor

Search Closed Tickets

Closed tickets are archived in the History tab where they can easily be searched and viewed. The search field does a broad search across all data elements displayed on the History screen.

History (tab)

Reopen a Ticket

Tickets can not be reopened once they have been closed. In the event a ticket has been closed and needs to be reopened, create a new ticket and reference the old ticket’s ID in the Detailed Description, or the Summary.


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