Navu Requests - Close Ticket Requests
Pathway: Home Screen; Navu Requests Icon
Ticket Requests can be closed by any user who is attached to it, or a Navu Request Administrator. Upon closing a ticket request, other users on the ticket will receive a notification of the status change. Closed tickets are archived in the History tab where they can be searched and reviewed at a later date. The process to close a ticket is the same for both general and administrative users.
Search Closed Tickets
Closed tickets are archived in the History tab where they can easily be searched and viewed. The search field does a broad search across all data elements displayed on the History screen.
Reopen a Ticket
Tickets can not be reopened once they have been closed. In the event a ticket has been closed and needs to be reopened, create a new ticket and reference the old ticket’s ID in the Detailed Description, or the Summary.