Waste Profile Setup

Pathway: Setup > Services; Operations

This article details the setup required for waste profiles. This includes:

Enable Line of Business

Pathway: Setup > Services > Line of Business

Update Line of Business
  1. Double-click within the Line of Business' row you would like to enable charge code waste codes for. This will display the Update Line of Business editor.

  2. Select ‘Yes’ from the Enable Charge Code Waste Codes field. The system will auto-save the change.

EPA Waste Codes Setup

Pathway: Setup > Operations > EPA Waste Code

Add and edit waste codes using the EPA Waste Code Setup tool.

EPA Waste Code Setup

Add Waste Code

  1. Select the green '+' icon from the EPA Waste Code Setup screen. An Add EPA Waste Code popup will display.

  2. Enter the Name and Abbreviation for the Waste Code. Follow your companies established naming method.

  3. Select the Line of Business the Waste Code will be available for. If blank or null the waste code is available for all lines of business.

  4. Review each of the four types of hazardous materials (Ignitable, Toxic, Corrosive, Reactive) and select ‘Yes’ if the hazardous material applies to the waste code.

  5. Select ‘Yes’ from the Active field and the waste code will become available for use. By default, this field is set to ‘Yes’.

Edit Waste Code

  1. Double-click within the row of the waste code you would like to edit. A Update EPA Waste Code editor will Display.

  2. Edit the fields from within the Update EPA Waste Code editor popup. The system will auto-save the changes.

Remove Waste Code

  1. Double-click within the row of the waste code you would like to remove. A Update EPA Waste Code editor will Display.

  2. Select ‘No’ from the Active field. The system will auto-save the change and the waste code will no longer be available to use.

Charge Code Setup

Pathway: Setup > Services > Charge Code

The Charge Code Setup tool establishes the default EPA Waste Codes for a charge code.

  1. Double-click within the ID field of the hazardous material to display the Update Charge Code popup editor.

  2. Select the Add/Remove EPA Waste Code tab.

  3. Click on the green '+' icon to add a EPA Waste Code to the charge code.

    • Click on the red '-' icon and the EPA Waste Code will be removed from the charge code.