Add and Edit Account Contact

Add and Edit Account Contact

Pathway: Accounts > Search > Accounts

This article details the process of adding a new contact to an existing account and editing contact information for contacts already on an account.


Create a New Contact

The following process applies when adding a new contact:

Details (Tab)

  1. Select the filing cabinet icon from the parent account section of the Accounts screen. The Contacts editor popup will display.

  2. Select the green '+' icon from the Contacts editor to display the Add Contact editor.

  3. Select the Details tab.

  4. Enter the contact's Name and contact information.

  5. Select Yes if the contact should receive service notifications for all accounts they are a contact for.

    • From the Service Notification Method drop down, indicate how they will receive notifications.

  6. Select Save.

Upon Save, additional contact fields display. If this is a Billing Contact, select if they are Billing Contact 1 or 2 from the Billing Contact field. In addition, select ‘Send Portal Access Invite’ if the user should have customer portal access.

Customer Portal Access (Tab)

If a user has been invited to access their customer portal, review the Customer Portal Access tab.

  1. Select the Customer Portal Access tab.

  2. Leave ‘Account (All Sites)’ selected and the user will have access to all sites belonging to the account. Otherwise, unselect the check box and select only the sites the user should have access to.

  3. Select Save.

Edit an Existing Contact

The process to edit an existing contact is similar to the process of creating a new contact.

  1. Select the filing cabinet icon from the section for the parent account.

  2. Select the green '+' icon from the Contacts editor to display the Add Contact editor.

  3. Double click within the row of the desired contact and edit the contact’s information.

  4. Select Save when finished.

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