Edit Account and Site Information

Pathway: Accounts > Search - Accounts Screen

Quickly edit information for a parent account or a site location by using right-click functionality to open the account and site editor screens.


Edit Account Information

Information located along the left side of the Accounts screen is account-level information and applies to all sites under an account. Right-click within the account area and select Edit to open the Edit Account editor.

Edit Account-Level Information





Contact Information (Name, Address, Phone)

The contact information for the account.

Billing Contacts 1 & 2

Indicates who should be contacted for billing related inquiries. A person must be added as a contact first to display in the drop down list.

Parent Account

Entry field to identify a parent account.


Indicates the current status of the parent account.


The region the account belongs to. The division the account is assigned determines who handles the account in other areas such as Dispatch and Operations.


Indicates how the account originated and helps with future sales and marketing campaigns.

Account Manager

Identifies the person overseeing the account (possibly the salesperson) and is considered the account’s point of contact for changes in service.

Account Class

Indicates if the account is Commercial, Residential, Municipal, Broker, etc.


Bill Group

Division specific billing group the account is placed in.

Invoice By Email

Delivery method for the invoice. If ‘No’ is selected, the invoice can only be printed and mailed.


Indicates the length of time the customer has to pay.

Bill By Service Location

Select the check box and one invoice will generate for each location. If unchecked, one invoice generates for all sites.

Auto Status Update

Select the check box and the account will follow the default settings established to place the account in a Credit Hold status after so many days past due and amount past due.

Apply Finance Charges

Select the check box and the account will follow default finance charge settings established for the Account Class.

Exclude from Credit Card Fee

Select the check box and the account will not be charged a credit card fee.

Exclude From Past Due Notification

Select the check box and the account will not receive past due notification letters.


Warning on Open

Anything entered here will display each time the account is accessed.


Edit Site Information

Information located on the right side of the customer screen is information specific to the site currently being viewed. Right-click within the site area and select Edit to open the Edit Site popup editor. This section covers the Basic Settings tab and the Billing Settings tab.

Basic Settings (Tab)





Contact/Location Information (Name, Address, Phone)

Contact and location information for the site.

Signature Required

If selected, the driver will be required to collect a signature each time they service the location.

Service Region

Identifies the region the site belongs to.

Tax Region

Identifies the tax region the site belongs to.


Displays in the site details section when viewing the Customer screen.

Warning on Open

Displays as a site-specific pop-up warning anytime the site is accessed.

Access Information

Used for conveying information the driver will need to access a location. Displays every time the site is serviced.


Billing Settings (Tab)





Tax Exempt

If the site is tax exempt and no tax region was selected when the account was created, select the Tax Exempt check box.

Tax Exempt Reason

If the Tax Exempt box is checked, enter supporting information for the reason why the site is exempt.

Surcharge Group

Select a Surcharge Group if the location is subject to a surcharge.

Invoice Detail Level

Determines the amount of information the invoice should include.

Invoice By Email

If the location is receiving invoices by email, select:

  • Account Settings and the location will follow what was previously set up for the account.

  • Email With Link and the location will receive a URL link to open the invoice.

  • Email With PDF Attachment and the invoice will be attached to the email as a PDF.

Site Billing Contact

Select the name of the Site Billing Contact if the contact is different than the account contact. Contacts are only assigned here. To create a contact, the Contacts tool must be used.