Screen Descriptions (Manifest Consolidation)
Pathway: Operations > Manifest Processing > Manifest Consolidation
Manifest Consolidation is the process of combining waste material into one manifest for transport to an offsite location where it will be destroyed.
Field Descriptions
Field | Description |
Filter Options | |
Source | The location the batch is transferred from. For none transfer batches, this would be the location the waste was received and destroyed. |
Destination | The location the batch is being transferred to. For none transfer batches, this would be the location the waste was received and destroyed. |
Status | Filters to only display batches currently in the selected status. |
Load | Select and the screen will load batches based on the selected Source, Destination and Status. |
Search | Search function that searches across all fields displayed. This only searches across what is currently displayed on the screen. Load must be performed first. |
Fields | |
ID | The ID used to identify the batch. |
Ship Date | The date the batch is scheduled to ship. |
Status | Indicates the current status of a batch. |
Source | Identifies the location where the waste is being held and transferred from. |
Transporter | Identifies who will be transporting the waste to the next location. If this is a none transfer, the route for the collection is used. |
Destination | Identifies the next location the batch will be transferred to. If this is a none transfer, the Destination should match the Source. |
External ID | An optional ID that can be assigned to the batch. |
Note | Displays any notes that were added to the Manifest Consolidation Batch editor popup. |
Count | Displays a total count of how many boxes have been added to the shipping container. |
Weight Ibs | Displays the current batch weight. |
Transfer WO # | The transfer work order number assigned to a batch. When a batch has been marked ‘Ready to Ship’, a Transfer Work Order is automatically created. To open the work order, select the Transfer Work Ordered displayed for the batch. |
Status Options
The following options are available by right-clicking within the row of a batch. The current status of the batch will control which options display.
Option | Description |
Edit Batch | Select to display the Manifest Consolidation Batch popup editor. Displays for all Status options (Open, Ready to Ship, Shipped, Posted). |
Print Manifest | Select to print a manifest for the driver transporting the batch. Displays for Status' Ready to Ship, Shipped and Posted. |
Print Shipping Report | Select to print the shipping report for the driver transporting the batch. Displays for all Status options (Open, Ready to Ship, Shipped, Posted). |
Mark Ready to Ship | Places the batch in a ‘Ready to Ship’ status and automatically creates a Transfer Work Order. This Status is unavailable if a Ship Date and Transporter have not been identified in Edit Batch > Manifest Consolidation Batch (popup editor). Displays only for batches with an ‘Open’ status. |