Understanding the Basics (User Security)

Pathway: Setup > System > Role; Division; User

This page is intended for System Administrators and anyone who creates/maintains user accounts in their Navusoft application.

This article provides an overview of the four key elements related to user security in Navusoft: Users, Permissions, Roles and Divisions. User security is critical to the operations of any business and should be maintained on a regular basis. When proper user security processes and protocols are in place, errors and costly mistakes are avoided and outside threats minimized.

User security protocols should consider the following:

  • Level of access new or untrained staff should have.

  • Level of access users should have based on their role and any responsibilities outside of their role.

  • Process for inactivating a user account.

  • Process for employees changing roles and how that affects their user account permissions.


Setup > System > User


When a person is added, they are added as a user and have a user account. Depending on the employee’s role, their user account grants them permissions (user rights) to access different areas in the Navusoft application to perform the duties of their job.

Each user account is unique and users will not see tools they do not have access to.


Setup > System > Permission


All modules and tools in Navusoft are protected by Permissions. Permissions act as gatekeepers to restrict what tools a user can see and at what level they can interact. In some cases, users may minimally have view-only permissions to a tool. It is up to a system administrator to determine the permissions a user is assigned based on the responsibilities of their role.

Assigning Permissions

Permissions can not be assigned individually to a user account and are instead assigned to a ‘Role' that includes a grouping of other permissions.

Permissions for New Tools

Permissions are not automatically granted when new tools are released. A system administrator must review and authorize the permission first and assign it to the role it best applies.


Setup > System > Roles

Users may only access the tools in their Navusoft application by Permissions. Assigning permissions on an individual basis can create discrepancies for maintaining user security. Instead, permissions are assigned to a Role. Roles are groupings of many permissions assigned to user accounts that include many of the permissions a user needs to perform the duties of their job. Using Roles to assign permissions allows a system administrator to add or remove a permission in one location vs modifying multiple user accounts.

Users can be assigned one to many roles depending on their job duties.

Available Roles

Navusoft provides (but does not assign) a pre-built list of Roles complete with the permissions a user who works within that role may need. Consider reviewing the role’s permissions and make necessary modifications before assigning to user accounts. New roles should be created as needed.


Setup > System > Division

Divisions are the different operating locations, regions or municipalities a company has. Most often, an employee is employed at one division. In the Navusoft application, users may be assigned one to multiple divisions based on the scope of their employment.

Recommended Best Practices

All Users

  • Consider logging off or locking your workstation whenever you leave it unattended, even for short breaks.

  • Never provide your password to another user who may have restricted or less tool rights than you.

Administrative Users

  • Review and assign only the tool rights a user needs to perform the tasks of their job.

  • Disable user accounts for employees who have left.

  • Review permissions for employees who are changing roles in the company.

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