Moving Stops - Interactive Map
Pathway: Operations > Dispatch
Use the interactive map available in Dispatch to move service stops to new routes as a one-time change. Only locations of selected routes will display on the map along with a color legend for route identification.
Select all the applicable filtering options.
Select all the routes you would like displayed on the map. Check the Select All box to mass select all routes.
Select the Map icon to display the Route Dispatch Map.
Move Stops Individually
To individually move a stop to a new route, right click on the location pin for the stop and hover over ‘Change Route’. Select a new route from the list of routes that display.
Move Stops En Masse
To move stops for more than one location at a time, the perimeter tools should be used.
Select the radius tool or the ____ tool from the top of the screen.
Draw a perimeter around the locations you would like to make a route change.
You may need to zoom in on an area to prevent including unwanted locations in the perimeter.
Use the Legend located in the bottom right corner of the screen for route identification.
Right-click within the perimeter and select ‘Change Route’ from the pop-up that displays.
Select a Route from the Edit Service Records window pop-up to mass apply the change.
Select Save.
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Route and Service Notifications - Review this article if the route change requires a notification to be sent to site contacts.