Add Note

Pathway: Accounts > Search > Accounts

Notes provide an option to record information or interactions with a customer that can be referred back to. Notes only display on the customer’s calendar for the day it was added and do not generate followup notifications.

Add Note

Create A Note

  1. Right-click on the calendar date the note applies.

  2. Select Add Note from the popup that displays.

  3. From the Add Note popup editor, complete all necessary fields.

  4. Select Save when finished.

Field Descriptions





Created On

The date the note was created/applies. Select the calendar icon to change the date of the note.

Note Type

Indicates what the note is about.


Text field to record a note.

Locations Where Notes Display

Notes display on the calendar of the customer’s account on the date it was created or assigned. The Note Type selected for the note displays as the title.