Add Appointment

Pathway: Accounts > Search > Accounts

Add an appointment to a customer’s account for future meetings, events and followups.

Add Appointment - Calendar

Add An Appointment

  1. Right-click on the calendar date the appointment applies.

  2. Select Add Appointment from the popup that displays.

  3. From the Add Appointment popup editor, complete all necessary fields.

    • Do not enter completion notes, or select the Complete check box until AFTER the appointment is complete.

  4. Select Save when finished.

Field Descriptions






Indicates the what the appointment is about.

Assigned To

Option to assign the appointment to another user. By default, the user creating the appointment is selected.

Appointment Time

The date and time the appointment starts.


Option to set the appointment up on a recurring schedule. If this is a one-time appointment, leave ‘None’ selected.


Indicates the length of time the appointment is expected to last.


Indicates where the appointment will be taking place. If Other, consider adding additional information such as online meeting links in the Note box.


Includes a list of account contacts who will be attending the appointment.


Additional space to add internal notes regarding the appointment.

Completion Note

Option to add any completion notes after the appointment has ended.


Select the Complete check box only after the appointment is complete.


Locations Where Appointments Display

Appointments will display in the following locations until the appointment has been marked as complete.

1. Under the Appointments Column of the Home Screen









2. In Notification Toolbar - Appointments







3. Within the Pending Section of the Account