Add a New Account (Prospect)
Pathway: Customer > Add Account
Before adding a new account, consider searching for the account to verify one hasn’t already been created. Otherwise, upon selecting Create Account the system will check for duplicates.
In the Add Account editor, accounts can be added either as an Active account or a Prospect account. This illustrates the process of creating a Prospect account to keep in the sales cycle for future follow-up. Review each section and minimally complete all required fields highlighted in red.
Create a Prospect Accoun
Account Identification Field Entry |
Address Field Entry |
Service Address Fields
Contact Information Field Entry |
Sales/Region Information Field Entry |
Create Account |
Upon selecting Create Account, the system will check for any duplicates. Review the list of returned results to verify no duplicate exists. If one does, select the existing account from what the search returned. Select Clear to clear entries and selections from all fields to start over. |