Add a Lead

Add a Lead

Add a lead to a prospect account to effectively manage and followup on future sales opportunities. Leads added here are shared with many of the CRM tools available in the Sales module.



Before a lead can be created, the prospect account must exist first. Review the following article on creating a new prospect account.

Field Descriptions





Lead Source

How the lead originated. Examples: Referral, Cold Calling, Social Media and etc.

Quantity, Equipment

Indicates the type of the equipment they are currently using and how many.

Service Code, Frequency

Indicates the type of service and they are receiving and the frequency of the service.

Per Unit

Indicates the Per Unit rate the lead is currently paying for the equipment.

SVC Fees

Calculation based on the value entered in the Quantity field multiplied by the value entered in the Per Unit field.

Current Provider

Records who the current provider is for the lead. Current Provider information is shared with many of the tools available in the Sales module.

Contract Expiration Date

Records the date the lead’s contract with their current provider will expire. This date is shared with many of the tools available in the Sales module.


Option to record any notes about the lead that will help with future referencing purposes.

Add a Lead

Once a lead has been added into the system it is shared with many of the tools available in the Sales module.

  1. Create the lead as a Prospect Account.

  2. From the account menu (green '+' icon), select Lead from the list of options and then select the line of business.

  3. When the Add Lead popup window displays, minimally complete all required fields. Required fields are highlighted in red.

  4. Click Save when finished.

  5. Stay active on the lead by creating a Task or an Appointment for future followup.

Edit a Lead

Added leads display in the Pending section of the account. To edit, double click on the lead to display the Edit Lead popup editor. After edits are complete, click Save and the lead will be updated with the new information.

A Note field is available when a lead is created and again when editing. Optional: when editing, consider recording the reason for the edit.


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